Künstlich Digital? Öffentliche Bildung nach Corona
How the distance learning phase will change public education in the future
Science Café in German

During the Corona lockdown in spring 2020, schools switched to different forms of remote learning. Most of the time this was done digitally. Quite a few hoped that this would provide a digitization boost for schools outlasting the lockdown. But what has actually remained? On the one hand, you find those who welcome a return to a seemingly “natural” state of school and view digital media as an “artificial” intrusion. On the other hand, there are efforts to establish digital possibilities as the “new normal” at educational institutions.
What conclusions can be drawn from the experiences gained with remote learning during the lockdown? Based on these experiences, how can public education be meaningfully shaped in the future? How can the simple distinction between “artificial” and “natural” be overcome? Join the panel for a discussion of technological, pedagogical, and ethical aspects of this issue.
- Dr. Klaus Rummler, Center for Education and Digital Change (PHZH)
- Dr. Tobias Röhl, Center for Education and Digital Change (PHZH)
- Prof. Dr. Katharina Maag Merki, Professor for Theory and Empiricism of School Educational Processes (UZH)
- Daniela Lozza, Head of Digital Education ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management (ZHAW)
- Wanja Kröger, Head of Teaching Office (ZHdK)
- Leo Herrmann, Corporate Communications (ETH Zurich), Moderation